Since May, 2008, I have been using a no-drain method for abdominoplasty. This is a technique that has
been developed over the past few years. I personally did not want to start using it on my patients until
I believed that it had been thoroughly tested. However, it has been a significant advance and has led
to both improved results and significantly greater comfort.
The drain or drains had been probably the greatest
source of discomfort, and being able to eliminate the need for a drain reduces the discomfort.
Doing abdominoplasty without a drain is somewhat more difficult, and probably adds about 30 - 45 minutes to the
procedure, but is very much worth it. It involves placement of a number of additional sutures to support the flap
of tissue in its new location, hold the umbilical (belly-button) scar inside the umbilicus for a better-looking
belly button, and eliminate the
space for fluid collection under the flap.
Some of these pictures show patients who had their surgery before May, 2008, and thus they did have a drain
placed in their surgery.
We have before-and-after photos on our Tummy Tuck Gallery page.
Click the button to see the photos from any of these patients
An Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck patient. With the combination of surgery, weight control, and exercise, she was able to get a great result.
A 39 year old Mother of three (including 2 year old twins) with Post-Baby Tune-Up, including Breast Augmentation Mastopexy
with 225 cc saline implants, and No-Drain Tummy Tuck. Since surgery, she has lost 20 pounds, going from 140 lbs to 120 lbs. She +
works as a physical therapist, and has been working out. Less than a year after surgery, the scars are still a little pink.
Again, this represents hard work on her part, but this would not have been possible without surgery.
A No-drain tummy tuck / Abdominoplasty patient. Since the "After" photos are only one year after surgery, the scars are still a little pink.
A patient who had No-drain circumferential tummy tuck / circumferential abdominoplasty / lower body lift, along with breast surgery in a Post-Baby Tune-Up®.
The scars are fading at 1 1/2 years.
A patient who had No-drain circumferential tummy tuck / circumferential abdominoplasty / lower body lift. She went from a size 28 to a size 6! Her scars are still a little pink.
A patient who had No-drain Scottsdale Abdominoplasty
A patient who had No-drain circumferential tummy tuck / abdominoplasty / lower body lift. Scars still quite pink at only 6 months.
A patient who had No-Drain Arizona Circumferential Abdominoplasty / lower body lift, along with thigh liposuction. We removed over 11 pounds in surgery, and she lost an additional 22 pounds after surgery.
Nine months after surgery, she was training for a half-marathon.
Her comments after surgery were "I instantly liked Dr. Nachbar's tone, style, confidence. He listened and gave a
recommendation that would give the best results for me ... and he was right. Also, love his staff -- and that purple is his favorite color!" About her surgical result, she said "Amazing,
everyday I am amazed that things are where they should be!" Her scars are still pink only 9 months after surgery.
A patient who had No-Drain Scottsdale Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty, along with breast augmentation with 400 cc silicone gel breast implants in a Post-Baby Tune-Up®. Scars still pink at only 6 months.
A patient who had No-drain circumferential tummy tuck / abdominoplasty / lower body lift. Scars still quite pink at only 6 months.
No extra charge for removing the tattoo (under the blacked-out area on her back)!
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck A very nice abdominoplasty result, combining surgery, wt loss and exercise, at 1 Year.
A patient who had Post-Baby Tune-Up® along with long-term weight control
40 year old Mother of three underwent Post-Baby Tune-Up® with Mini-tummy tuck, Breast Augmentation and liposuction of hips, thighs, knees, and abdomen
Nine months later, she increased her implants from 350cc to 450cc
She continues to exercise and watch her weight, and has lost about 30 lbs.
She looks great 5 years later at 45 years of age.
A patient who had No-Drain Arizona Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty (with previous breast implants). Scars still pink at only 6 months.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck, with Ultrasonic and Standard Liposuction of the Flanks and Inner Thighs.
A patient who had Post-Baby Tune-Up® including Breast Augmentation with
371 cc Silicone Gel Breast Implants & abdominoplasty
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck
(with previous Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy)
She sent us this email:
Hi Dr. Nachbar, I was just told today by a very enthusiastic admirer
that I had a "PERFECT body." While I thanked him,
I thought to myself, "thanks to Dr. Nachbar!!!"
Just thought I'd pass that along.
A patient who had Circumferential Abdominoplasty along with Breast Surgery
Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck in a thin patient, showing that even a thin patient can be reshaped.
Abdominoplasty and a lot of yoga, at 16 months
A patient who had Post-Baby Tune-Up®, showing abdominoplasty - note tummy and breast both improved.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty with exercise and weight loss - the "Magic Three, at 1 Year.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty as part of Post-Baby Tune-Up® also liposuction of hips and thighs, at 1 Year
A patient who had Circumferential Abdominoplasty, along with Buttock Implant, and
also lost 20 pounds. Scars still pink at only 2 Months.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck, along with breast surgery, at 1 Year.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck with iliac hip liposuction, as well as later Breast Augmentation
The abdominoplasty was 9 months ago, although the breast augmentation was only 1 month ago
A patient who had Circumferential Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck with Breast Reduction
and Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) in patient who lost 35 lbs.,
without gastric stapling.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck, at 4 Years
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck, with Breast Augmentation, at 2 Years
A patient who had Abdominoplasty, at 18 Months
A patient who had Body Lift/Circumferential Abdominoplasty, along with breast augmentation, at 4 Months
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck after 60 lb weight loss,
(but only 3 lb since her first visit to our Scottsdale, Arizona office).
After five years, the scars have faded very nicely.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck after an appendectomy scar was allowed to heal without closure due to infection.
The scar is still quite red only four months after surgery. The white area is because the patient
is keeping the scar covered when she is in the sun, at 4 Months.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck along with Ultrasonic Liposuction of the Flanks, at
1 Month.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck with Liposuction, using both Ultrasonic and Standard Liposuction of the
Flanks, Back, and Inner and Outer Thighs, at 1 Year.
A patient who had Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck with Breast Augmentation, at 16 Months.
A patient who had Circumferential Abdominoplasty/Body Lift with Breast Augmentation/Mastopexy.
A portion of the skin and fat was preserved and inserted into the buttock area to preserve buttock fullness, at 5 months.