Thermi and ThermiTight are the names for a relatively new method for internally tightening facial tissues using carefully controlled heating.
While we have known for a long time that heating the tissues under the skin can cause them to tighten, but the problem was always applying adequate heating internally without heating the skin so much as to burn it. Thermi uses a temperature controlled radio-frequency probe, which is introduced via very tiny incisions. By applying the heat directly to the tissue, the heating occurs from the inside out.
To ensure that the skin is not burned, an InfraRed camera is used to monitor the skin temperature from the outside to prevent it from getting too hot.
Thermi is ideal for those who want more results than can be achieved with external skin treatment, but are not ready for a facelift. Call our office today to schedule your complimentary consultation, so we can discuss whether Thermi is right for you!