Labiaplasty Surgery Information
Labiaplasty is a procedure to reduce the extra tissue, primaerily of the labia minora (inner or smaller lips), but
sometimes also of the labia majora (outer or larger lips). Women seek labiaplasty for a wide range of reasons.
For some patients, the labia are large enough to become caught under clothing, and can be quite uncomfortable. This is
often especially noticeable when exercising. There have been many women who especially notice that problem when biking
or spinning
Also, with modern shaving / hair removal in the pubic area, the labia are more visible than the used to be. As a result,
they can protrude, and that can be visible. In fact, modern clothing can be tight enough that the protruding labia
minora produce a bulge that is visible through clothing.
For other women, the enlarged labia can get caught during sexual relations, which can be uncomfortable and unpleasant.
For all of these reasons, Dr. Nachbar has been doing labiaplasty for over fifteen years, and has a great deal of experience
with labiaplasty. Modern techniques allow a much more precise result, reducing and tightening the central portion of the
labia minora (often the part most affected), but also tightening the excess tissue over the clitoris, called the "clitoral hood".
As you are considering labiaplasty, be sure to consider what your goals are. If the only problem is that the labia minora
protrude and get caught, and appearance is not a concern, a simple "trimming" (or "amputation") procedure, as performed by many gynecologists,
may be adequate. However, I have seen women come to my office who have had that procedure, and as a result had loss of
most or all of the central labia, while there is still excess tissue in front and in back. While this can be evened out somewhat,
it is largely uncorrectable.
Occasionally I may use the "trimming" procedure under rare circumstances, but almost always I use a "wedge" procedure, which
allows preservation of the delicate edge of the labia minora (which is sacrificed in the amputation technique), tightening
of the remainder of the labia, and reduction of the extra tissue at the clitoral hood. Most women are more concerned with the appearance
from the front while they are standing, and of course, it is the tissue over the clitoris which is primarily visible from the front.
Thus, if the clitoral hood is not reduced and tightened, there will still be some excess tissue visible from the front
In addition to labiaplasty, which primarily improves the labia minora, the ThermiVa procedure allows
improvement of the labia majora, as well as inside the vagina. Women have been reporting that ThermiVa results in tightening
of loose tissues of the vagina, improvement in moisture, improvement in sensitivity, and improvement in mild cases
of stress urinary incontinence. Thus, labiaplasty and ThermiVa are complementary, each adding to the result.
Most women who desire labiaplasty are interested in leaving some labia minora tissue, but others want a more complete
removal of almost all of the labial tissue, sometimes called a "Barbie Labiaplasty". For the right patient, that can
be an excellent procedure.
I have posted some Before and After photos of labiaplasty, mostly with the wedge technique, but also with the less common
trimming technique.
If this has been an area of concern to you, call us at 480-289-5300 to speak with our staff (some of whom have had labiaplasty),
or make an appointment online.